Grace. It is a gift from God that we don’t earn. It’s the season for new grace, and we are excited to announce the release of our Pastor At Large, and author, Dr. Dorothy Boulware’s new book: 31 Days of Grace! This is a must read, especially as we begin this New Year to accept grace and walk in our purpose. Get your copy today on Amazon or meet us on The Hill on
Jan 26th. You can get your book signed right after morning worship. We hope to see you there!
A description of the book 31 Days of Grace:
The standard words used to describe grace - unmerited favor - seem so inadequate for something so intense, so incredible, something so substantive; and yet, that’s just what it is. Grace is the favor lavishly extended by God to those who declare themselves to be children of God. It really does defy definition, but a zealous attempt requires so many words and combinations of words and phrases to even come near to the goal. 31 Days of Grace offers a touch of grace, a soupcon of meaning, a glimpse of grace in action to help the reader move a little closer to enjoying this great privilege of heaven. Grace is so amazing that it makes a sweet sound, it’s greater than sin, it’s more than enough, it constrains us into an imaginary debt that it actually erases. “Hail him who saves us by his grace and crown him Lord of all.”
Meet the
Rev. Dr. Dorothy S. Boulware
Rev. Dorothy Scott Boulware is a lover of words and expresses that love in many ways. Combined with varied skills, she uses that love in her role as an editor of the 130-year-old AFRO American News Company: The Black Media Authority. As a member of the executive team she facilitates the publication of news daily on the AFRO website (Afro.com), social media platforms, multiple newsletters per week, as well as the legacy weekly print edition.